“Research, Evaluate, Plan, Do, Assess, Repeat” is a formula for success. Simply put: Research and study your subject. Evaluate what you have learned. Plan your course of action. Do the work. Assess the results. Repeat.

The accomplishment of goals is a continuous process, an ongoing activity. It goes from start to finish and start to finish again.

There is always something new to learn, think about, strategize, put into action, and gauge the results of. This is so whether you are learning how to dance, writing a dissertation, or starting a business.

Whatever phase have you have completed, whatever project you have finished, always ask yourself, “What is the next step in the process?”

The Secret of Success

The secret of success is really no secret at all. Almost everyone has the ability to be successful.

Nobody is born into success. Yes, some people are born into wealthy families, but whether or not they are successful is another issue.

Success is something that people work for and earn. Too often, especially in the American consciousness, people believe that success should just magically happen.

When things fall right into place, it is rarely out of luck alone that this occurred. Things fall into place because of all the time and effort we invested beforehand.

And that is the “secret” of success.

Cutting Corners

To cut corners is to find and use a faster, cheaper, or easier way of doing something. In the short run you save time, money, and maybe some aggravation.

But in the long run you sacrifice the quality of your work, product, or service. Cutting corners cuts the value of what you are doing.

If cheap is what you want to promote, and what your boss or your clients want, then go ahead and go for it.

If you want to add value to your reputation, then go all out and do your absolute best! Never cut corners.