What Is Your Role?

We all play different roles such as student, teacher, mother, father, friend, partner, or loner. But there is usually a specific role we are drawn to that permeates all the other roles we perform.

It might be the joker, the leader, the follower, the nurturer, the warrior, the athlete, the artist, or the scholar. The role we are most drawn to is inherent in our nature.

What you do with that role, and how you act it out, is entirely up to you. But it is wise to be wary that your role does not consume you. Don’t lose yourself in it. You are so much more than that.

To Be Mindful

Mindfulness has become a popular term among practitioners of physical and mental health. It is a useful way to achieve inner and outer balance.

However, mindfulness is a simple concept but not a simple practice. To be fully mindful, you must be completely aware at every waking moment.

The Focus of the Locus

How you focus your thoughts and actions is vital to any kind of success. Whether the goal is large or small, what you pay attention to is what matters most.

It is easy to be diverted or overwhelmed by outer events. Know what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. The locus of control is within.

Achieving Peace

Peace is a state of being many people talk about but that few achieve. It is much easier to give in to strong emotions than to remain calm and steady. Peace is work.

Do not expect others to give you peace. For it comes only from within you.

Create a Better World

Society’s problems are complex issues that cannot be solved in simple ways. People are creatures of habit.

Society is made of individuals. And every individual has an influence on the social system.

When we lived in small, nomadic tribes, we lived in balance with nature. It was in our best interest to follow the group and adhere to the group’s norms.

Now, we are out of balance. It is no longer in our best interest to unconsciously follow the group.

It is time to awaken, heal, and empower yourself. Through individual transformation and growth will we progress as a society.

Practice and embody your vision of a harmonious world.


If something troubles you, meditate.

Go within. Focus on your breathing and center yourself.

The more troubled you are, the more difficult this is to do. But keep making the effort.

Do you want to know why something is happening and why you are troubled by it? Meditate.

Do you want to know how to address the problem? Meditate.

Your Energy

How you use your energy is vital to a healthy life. Your thoughts and actions are like planting a garden.

If you carelessly scatter your seeds all over, some may grow but most will not. If you carefully place them in the right places, and give them proper attention, they will flourish and ripen.

Keep your focus on what is most important.

Follow Your Passion

When you follow your passion, it invigorates you. When you do something just to make money, it drains your soul. The more you work only for material gain, the more you lose your soul.

There is nothing wrong with money and material things. We need certain things to maintain health and stability. But living just to achieve superficial goals is not real living.

Do what you really love. Listen to your guts. It takes longer, but the journey is much more rewarding.

Don’t Be Distracted

Meditation is not just a practice but a way of life. It is the essence of existence. Because everything is a meditation.

When we become aware of our breath and stay focused in the moment, we know this. It is only when we become distracted and inattentive that we do not realize the true nature of everything that happens.

You know who you really are. You know what this is all about. Pay attention.